We have known since the moment we met Cameron that he is an amazing little guy and he continues showing us that every day.
This past week we were very blessed to take a family trip to Disney World. We had an incredible time and will never forget it!
Not only did we have bundles of fun seeing the sights, but Cameron had some surprises in store for us. If you keep up with us on Facebook than I'm sure this is old news to you. While we were there for our week long stay Cameron began crawling! That my friends is HUGE! He also will lean in and give us kisses. It is the sweetest thing. It's so wonderful to see his eyes light up with excitement over his accomplishments.
Caden and I have always loved to do patty cake with Cameron and last week Cameron started doing it with us! He can even make a fist with his hands and attempts to 'roll 'em'.
Yesterday I took Cameron to see the family doc because little man wasn't feeling too good. I was so excited to go and brag on my guy. For such a grim outlook to have been painted for Cameron it is a great feeling to be able to tell his doctors that because of Jesus Cameron is defying all odds! We were told to expect him to begin declining rapidly and there was no hope, but we have been praying faithfully and I know that so many of you have been as well and I thank you for that! The doctors are literally speechless.Our neurologists is going to be doing some different testing based on Cameron's progress. He now thinks that Cameron may still have a white matter disease, or a leukodystrophy, but maybe it is a type that stops progressing at random and the brain learns to adapt around the damage.
Cameron still has a lot of learning to do, but he has come miles and miles! He is a happy healthy angel and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.
I will be posting videos of Cameron crawling etc as well as Disney photos soon.
Thank you everyone for continuing to pray for Cameron and our family!