Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thank you!

I wanted to do a post to say HELLO to anyone that may be visiting Cameron's blog for the first time.

One of our family members graciously offered to help us with a fundraiser of selling suckers and we have been so excited to get started with it. I am trying to put small labels on each sucker that she makes so that anyone that gives can read more about Cameron and our family if they wish to do so. Thank you Donna for everything you are doing to make this fundraiser happen!

We are going to do our best to make the money stretch! All the money that we raise with this fundraiser combined with what others have already given is going to go towards very important things! The two main things that we are excited about are Cameron's walker and his leg braces. These things are going to help Cameron grow and develop and learn to get around on his own. Hopefully the leg braces, or AFO's, will help to correct his feet turning and other issues like that.

Here is an example of the type of gait trainer/walker we are trying to get for Cameron:

And an example of AFO leg braces:

Also, any donations made go to helping us pay for Cameron's therapy. Currently, we go to Occupational Therapy three times per week as well as Physical Therapy three times per week. We are waiting to get insurance approval and then we will also be going for Speech Therapy. Cam and I are very busy! And last but not least, donations also go to helping us pay for Cameron's medical bills. He has had many tests done and we have many more to come.

So once again, thank you so much to anyone that has given to help Cameron. We are so grateful for every gift, whether it be financial or your thoughts and prayers. We can see those prayers working in Cameron every day!

The Jordan Family: Caden, Jessica, Cameron and Cody

Please feel free to look around on Cameron's Journey to read more on Cameron's condition. We still have no permanent diagnoses other than that he has a white matter disease and based on the rate of progression the doctors say it is fatal. Right now we are testing for Mitochondrial Diseases and you can read more on that in past posts. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below. We would love to hear from you!

Thank You!


  1. Praying for your miracle to be seen in your sweet little Cam! I KNOW He is working in your family!

    Love you friend!

  2. You are an amazing mom. Thank you for sharing your story. Your family is in my prayers.

  3. I just read your email. I'm sorry you're dealing with this diagnosis too. I hate this disease. Ava wears AFOs and she walked with a gait trainer for a long time. I highly recommend both. :)

    One day at a time!

    Hope and Ava

  4. (((Jessica))) Thanks for stopping by my little guys blog. Cameron is absolutely beautiful :) Havent had enough time to read more but I see Mito might be his diagnoses. Ill keep Cameron and your family in my prayers. Please dont hesitate to ask any questions along the way. Have you been to the P2P (parent 2 parent)site, support board for Mitochondrial disease?

    Theres alot of good info and other mito moms. HUGS and prayers-
    Heidi & Jack.
