Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Our little fighter

Right after his EEG a couple of weeks ago. That was a very hard day. EEG's are never fun.

Cameron was diagnosed with Accommodative Esotropia. He will be getting bifocals soon. Doesn't he look adorable?

Cameron got measured for his leg braces. He was such a big boy. Not one tear. He just sat and \observed.

He was very interested in the cast they made ;)

Cameron in his new walker! He does amazing in this. We are so thankful for everyone helping us with fund raising to pay for it and his braces. We are still trying to raise money to pay it off! :)

We had a great Easter with family as I hope all of you did as well. The boys each came home with a lot of eggs! Cameron's Gigi had the great idea to fill his eggs with his snacks like yogurt bites etc and he loved it! I will try to post pictures soon. The boys are both sick with the croup right now :( Hopefully they will be well soon.

Cameron is still thriving and enjoying every day. We are incredibly blessed to have our two boys. Caden is still loving to teach Cameron sign language. I cannot wait for the day that he will be able to communicate with us.

Cameron had his EEG and MRI and we got a pretty good report from them. The doctors haven't had time to go over his MRI in depth but it seems like it is good news for the most part. I will share more on that as I find out.

You can read more about Cameron's new diagnoses for his eyes here:


  1. Your lil man is such a blessing!! And has grown so much since I started following...I know he will be such a big boy through all of this. Please know I am still praying...

  2. He is so cute! I am sure it is hard for him to be in glasses but he sure does look good in them :)

  3. Praying for Cameron. I pray God carries you through the hard times and lifts you even higher through the great times! You go Cameron!!

    Matthew 18:2-6
    He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

  4. OH my word! He looks so adorable in his new glasses! Love you friend. Our prayers are continually with your family!
