Friday, April 8, 2011

Prayer Request

Please say a prayer for our family. We are attempting to get into a program called MDCP to help with Cameron's medical and they keep discouraging us and telling us basically that he doesn't have enough problems as if a progressive brain disease is a barrel of fun. If we could get into this program it would pay for almost ALL of his medical needs and much more.

We are about to go for a new round of tests in the next two weeks and he is also about to get measured for his leg braces. We are so excited for these things to happen, but it will cost about 3700.00 out of pocket for us and that is not counting our portion of Cameron's walker or his speech therapy that is $120 per week. Please pray that we have a financial breakthrough soon so that we can meet all of Cameron's needs. If you have any fundraiser ideas please leave a comment below or email me. I am going to try to make some more suckers soon so that we can sell some more. We had so many wonderful friends help us with that! Thank you to everyone who bought and sold! :)

Cameron is doing so well right now. He is finally getting over the croup from a week ago and becoming his happy self again. We got his new walker this week and it is so great! Cameron does wonderfully in it and seems to be really comfortable. It makes us so happy to see him get the things he needs to thrive. We have really enjoyed being outdoors the last few days. The boys love to jump on the trampoline and swing together in the backyard. Cameron just giggles at everything his big brother Caden does. They are best friends and I love it!

Cameron also started utilizing the sign for 'more'. He is using it all on his own now without being prompted to say it. It gives me a huge grin every time he does it! We are practicing new signs to try and teach him, but he has a hard time isolating fingers so I think it will take quite a bit of time. Caden is even learning some sign and I love to listen to him trying to teach Cameron.


  1. My husband and I had talked about a couple of ideas when just this last year when we were going through the adoption process. We have found that yard sales work really good. A friend of ours had one and posted it on line and handed out flyers for donations. They had a lot of people donate really good stuff. There were a couple of things they even did a raffle along with baked goods and crafty things for sale. I think they walked away with almost $1000. I would also call news stations and tell your story and have an open account opened at a bank near you. They will hear your story and all they have to do it call in.

    My prayer are with you. Thanks you for sharing your story.

  2. Oh Jessica, it melts my heart to hear the story unfolding. I love seeing God at work in your family as well as the love and strength pulled from all sides to watch Cam grow!

    I LOVE hearing how he and Caden are so close! SO very precious!

    I would love to donate a portrait session on behalf of Cameron. I can make up some flyers and you all can hold a raffle at the garage sale. I can set up some of the sample images I have for people to see so they know what they are bidding on.
    The family that wins the raffle will be winning the session fee (worth $150) and the proceeds from their print purchase will go directly to Cameron as well!

    Let me know if this is something that you'd like to do and I will make it happen on my end of the line :).

    Love you friend!
